Enrich Homeschool Life Together Physical Fitness Science Labs Writing Labs Literature Units Geography.History.

Mission and Statement of Faith

Our Mission:

CHSEL (Christian Home School Enrichment Labs) is just what its name implies: a group of Christian families who homeschool, coming together to enrich their learning at home with labs in various subjects. Our mission is to encourage one another in our walks with Christ through glorifying Him in through every lab we provide. CHSEL is Christian organization led by parents who contract with other parents to teach. CHSEL is here as a ministry to home school families. It is our desire to meet the need for students to have fellowship, edification and fun while providing a common goal for parents to help our children learn. We believe that knowledge should be built upon the foundation of wisdom that comes through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Because glorifying God is our motivation, we will make every effort to contribute to the spiritual growth of both students and parents while respecting denominational differences. We regard highly the choice each family has made to train their children in the Truth and hope to contribute to that through the labs we sign on.

At CHSEL, we believe that the best place to learn is at home!! The labs here are not intended to provide a complete credit for any course, but are designed by the facilitators to enhance the studies of those subjects with deliberate retention-building activities, while encouraging students to think critically, develop interests and most importantly, see how all learning can be motivated through a love of the Lord and His creation as we commit our thoughts and hearts to Him!!


What We Believe:

We strive to use the scriptures found in the Bible for the direction in each topic. We emphasize that Christ is the Son of God, the creator of all, and that He came in the flesh to redeem mankind from the corruption of sin that all are in because of Adam's sin, and that through His blood we can be reconciled with the Father, who is one with Christ and His Holy Spirit. There is one God, who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is only one way for mankind to be reconciled with God and that is through choosing to place one's faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ for salvation, which is a gift given freely to all who believe. These precepts will be unapologetically included in all subjects because we believe that teaching for the sake of knowledge alone can be misleading, since without the foundations of the Wisdom which comes through knowing Christ, true understanding cannot be attained.


Christian Homeschool Enrichment Labs – CHSEL -  is a project of STEP (Southeast Texas Educational Partnership), a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.